
Innovation Partners at Product Design Through Full Automation

The best outcomes related to product cost, quality, throughput and efficiency are achieved when your automation partner is involved early.

Our Process


Design for Automation

Subtle changes in product design can unlock significant improvements to the product’s manufacturability.  We seek to partner early in your product lifecycle to enable lower cost and simple manufacturing processes.  Our Factory of the Future Consulting team engages with customers early in the product design cycle to support design for automation.


Process Development Collaboration

Many customers don’t have perfect manufacturing processes fully defined.  We welcome early participation to help explore and concept different manufacturing options.  We view ourselves as experts in technology recommendations, BOM and component evaluation, and quality assurance protocols.


Scope Alignment

Now with a deep understanding of your product and process, we can collaborate on a detailed scope of work for your manufacturing equipment.  Our Scope of Work templates address all the critical elements to effectively define and price a capital equipment project.  A thorough effort here minimizes change orders and reduces project risk.


Project Management

At equipment kickoff, your project manager becomes your single point of contact and is responsible for accessing and coordinating all of Invio’s technical resources.  Our standardized process involves a weekly meeting cadence to review a Microsoft Project Timeline, review the Action Register, engage in Design Reviews, and view Manufacturing Progress.


In-house Execution

The design and build of all Invio projects occur within our four walls.  We employ the mechanical, electrical, software, and manufacturing talent to deliver on our commitment.  Customers routinely visit in-person to participate in design reviews, assess progress, and engage with our team.


Factory Acceptance Test

We seek to rigorously replicate production conditions and expectations.  As a customer, you’ll visit Invio to validate the manufacturing throughput, quality, safety, and the aesthetics of your new equipment.  With your sign-off, the equipment ships from Invio to your factory.


Installation & Site Acceptance Test

We are responsible for the successful installation, start-up, and production ramp-up of all equipment that we deliver.  Formal training occurs for your different factory disciplines including operators, manufacturing engineers, and maintenance staff.  A formal Site Acceptance Test ensures that your equipment is working as intended.



New equipment places new responsibilities on end users.  We have modes to ensure that new automation achieves the payback that informed your investment decision.  Preventive maintenance contracts, remote support, and refresher training courses are common.

About Invio automation

Advancing the world through automation.

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Email us or fill out the form below to speak with an engineer, set up a tour at one of our facilities, or start your project.

Your Partner for What’s Possible.