Rosie the Riveter Day

Published: 3/26/2024

Last week, Invio Automation joined the Rosie the Riveter Day celebration held at the Michigan State Capitol, paying homage to the remarkable women who worked in the factories and shipyards during World War II. Rosie the Riveter stands tall as a timeless cultural icon, embodying values of courage, perseverance, resilience, and unwavering patriotism.

Today, Rosie's legacy continues to resonate. Her iconic image symbolizes not just the hard work and grit of the past, but also the limitless potential and trailblazing spirit of women in shaping the future.

Shown below, Invio Automation's Elizabeth Romanov was a passenger aboard the aircraft in the Michigan Mentors T-34 Flight Team's fly over the Capitol!

Special thanks to Cindy Kangas at the Capital Area Manufacturing Council for providing a platform to honor the legacy of Rosie the Riveter.


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